test houses
Location: Gündönümü Farm – Çerkezköy/Tekirdağ (Turkey)
Total Living space: 60m²
Year: 2016-2018
Design: Matthieu Pedergnana / atelier-métis
The Tezekevleri project was designed and initiated by Matthieu Pedergnana in 2015 to demonstrate the possibilities of natural materials through multiple workshops.
The three small houses are based on the same plan, the only difference being the exterior walls’ materials and building techniques: Load bearing straw-bale, slip-straw and adobe bricks. The goal of this experimental project was to compare thermal performances of these three different structures.
They all have gravel bags foundations, an adobe interior wall supporting a mezzanine, and a straw-bale insulated roof. Their large opening to the south coupled with a heavy energy-storing interior wall make them very warm on sunny winter days.